Friday, January 1, 2010

Books I read in 2008...

Books read during 2008....

1. Sylvia's farm: the journal of an improbable shepherd, Sylvia Jorrin
2. Running for the hills: growing up on my mother's sheep farm in Wales, Horatio Clare
3. Information ecologies: using technology with heart, Bonnie Nardi and Vicki O'Day
4. Geeks : how two lost boys rode the Internet out of Idaho, Jon Katz
5. A perfect mess : the hidden benefits of disorder, Eric Abrahamson & David Freedman
6. The 250 job interview questions you'll most likely be asked, Peter Veruki
7. Arcadia : a play in two acts, Tom Stoppard
8. When generations collide, Lynne Lancaster & David Stillman
9. Environment : the science behind the stories, Jay Withgott & Scott Brennan
10. Office 2003 : advanced concepts and techniques, Shelly, Cashman & Vermaat
11. Drift House Chronicles : Drift House, the first voyage, Dale Peck
12. Got Sun? Go Solar, Rex Ewing & Doug Pratt
13. The Art of possibility : transforming professional and personal life, Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander
14. Train your mind, change your brain, Sharon Begley
15. Connect, Edward Hallowell, M. D.
16. The power of full engagement, Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz
17. The disorganized mind: coaching your ADHD brain to take control of your time, tasks, and talents, Nancy Ratey
18. Do what you are: discover the perfect career for you through the secrets of personality type, Paul Tieger
19. Finding the heart of the child: essays on children, families, and schools, Edward Hallowell and Michael Thompson
20. Horses never lie: the art of passive leadership, Mark Rashid
21. Punished by rewards: the trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise and other bribes, Alfie Kohn
22. Letters to a Young Mathematician, Ian Stewart

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